Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sleep: Where have you gone?

More fitful nights of sleep (or lack of sleep). Last night, I was up 9 times between midnight and 7AM. Even when I stop eating at 6PM, still have no idea how long food lasts around: No other meal hangs out for 12 hours, but dinner does. Next we try eating some snackies after dinner and see if that helps migrate southward so I can get some sleep. They say to not use percocet as sleep medication, but it's the only thing that keeps the pain at bay long enough to actually take a nap. (That's all they really are, just naps.)

It's getting easier to control throughout the day, mainly by controlling the amount of gas buildup. Mind you, I'm not 100% yet, but fast on the gun to know the difference. Adding fiber to the diet has definitely helped keep things stiffer and keep me less dehydrated. This seems to be one of the biggest contributor to pain: Thankfully, one of the easiest things to (try to) control. Some things are trending in the right direction, so I'll take that.

I'm headed out this morning to get the curly locks all done up and will be hitting one of our favorite breakfast joints: Still no cheese, but as long as egg has pork, all is still right with the world.

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