Two full days of antibiotics and a few doses of hydrocortisone enemas seem to have started to right the ship. I'm cautious that we are only a few days in, but already things show improvement. My movements have been almost cut in half in frequency, which is a good sign and the output is much thicker with much less pain. Water absorption has also increased, almost doubling my urinary output, which is great for my kidneys and the thought of having another kidney stone. Unfortunately, due to the scope, I'm a little dilated and having small accidents. Thankfully, my son has similar issues, and comforted me with a "It's okay Daddy" and a pat on the back, a little comforting, but a little patronizing all at the same time. Guess he got my sense of humor.
After taking the steroid enemas, some output has contained some blood, typically in the first movement after taking. My hope is that's the inflammation in the pouch relieving itself. Ironically, this reminds me of my UC days, with a little less pain but at least under control. Having to do two enemas a day now, it has become humorously referred to as my "visionary" position. Rev Run uses his bathroom: Why can't I?
Last evening was the best night sleep since surgery, with only two movements and the ability to just hold and roll over and go back to sleep. Since having the incision stitch removed on Monday, I've been able to return to stomach sleeping, which definitely helps as well. This was something I did miss while having the ostomy, but something that could be lived without (if I had to.) I did entertain some more sugar last evening to see the result and so far shows improvement too.
Coming into the holidays, I'm hoping this trend continues, as travel is much easier when things are under control. If I only get one thing for Christmas, just get me home and back.
13 years ago
I hope that tomorrow is an even better day!